Product Description
Continuous High Speed Aluminum Cold Rolling Mill
The cold rolling mill is used to pass hot-rolled coils produced from the hot rolling mill between two rotating rolls and produce products of the desired thickness. The cold rolling process provides a more refined surface, improved mechanical properties and excellent thickness product precision. Cold rolling mills are largely divided into the TCM (Tandem Cold Rolling Mill) and the RCM (Reversing Cold Rolling Mill). In the TCM, material passes 5 or 6 rolling mills continuously to obtain the desired thickness, while in the RCM, material passes a single rolling mill multiple times.
Quick Detail:
Casting Material 1000Series,8011,3003,5052A
Roller Dimension(mm) 960×1900
Casting Dimension Of The Strip (6.0-10.0)×1750
Max. Rollig Force(T) 2000
Coil ID(mm) 510
COil OD(mm) 2000
Max.Coil Weight(kg) 13000