Armcoltherm 550(-30℃~315℃)High temperature synthetic heat transfer oil  Armcoltherm 550 is similar to Therminol 55. Armcoltherm 550 synthetic heat transfer oil has an operating temperature of 300°C and a maximum allowable operating temperature of 315°C. It has excellent thermal stability and can effectively and stably provide the required heat to the equipment. It is extremely difficult to generate carbon deposits and thermal cracking. The product has a low viscosity, can be used in a lower environment, and saves energy consumption. It is non-corrosive to metals and has a high boiling point. It is used in normal pressure heat transfer systems. Typical physical properties Property Units Value Appearance   Clear,yellow liquid Average Molecular Weight…


Armcoltherm Si-5(-60℃~280℃) for use in open systems
Armcoltherm 380 Ultra High Temperature Heat Transfer Fluid
Hydrogenated terphenyls Armcoltherm 680 Thermal Fluid
Alternative 650 High Chemical Stability Thermal Oil
Synthetic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Conducting Oil
Alkylbenzene Heat Transfer Fluid
Armcoltherm 690(-30℃~350℃) For Medical Heating System
Heat Transfer Fluid For Low Pessure Heating System
Armcoltherm 400 (12℃~400℃) for CPS solar industry
Armcoltherm 690(-30℃~350℃) For Heating Systems
Armcoltherm LD Heat Transfer Fluid for Chiral Chemical
Armcoltherm Si-50(-30℃~300℃) Silicone oil

Heat Transfer Fluids

  Welcome to Armcoltherm Starting operations in 2003, Armcoltherm embarked on its journe…

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