Competitive Price Uniform Frame Smooth and Delicate Pin As the chip carrier for integrated circuits, lead frames are required in the vast majority of semiconductor blocks and are an important basic material in the electronic information industry. The integrated circuits lead frame maximizes chip performance, such as the heat-diffusing function, and enables it to be operated for long periods of time. High Precision Etching IC Lead Frame is widely used in emerging products such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, smart manufacturing and new energy vehicles. The raw material use for IC Lead Frame are C192 or C194 Copper, which the material C192 has better conductivity. The production of smooth IC lead frames by metal etching process can achieve higher precision, for example, we can produce multi-pin (more than 100 pins) products of multi-pin IC lead frame, and can also produce ultra-thin products, such as etched 0.125mm thickness IC lead fr…


Chemical Etching Thermal Conductivity DBC Ceramic Substrates
PE Base Double-sided Copper Clad Flexible Substrate
High Quality No deformation VCM Spring Sheet
High-end Printer Dense Charging Network Plate Grid
Mask Plate High Precision Thickness 0.3mm Grille piece
SUS304 Car Horn Net Smooth Surface Speaker Mesh
Etching DBC Ceramic Substrate for Semi-conductor Cooler
0.3mm Thickness Etching DBC Ceramic Substrate for Automotive
Double-sided Etching DBC Ceramic Substrate for Automotive
Etching DBC Ceramic Substrates for Electronic Heater
Asahi Glass OLED Glass Cover
High Thermal Conductivity DBC Ceramic Substrate


SHAOXING HUALI ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. is one of the earliest manufacturers in China to utilize et…

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