The Braided sleeve is used for protecting computer power cable, audio and video cable, wire and cable and other industries. In almost all electronic circuits, semiconductor wire network management is used. Many circuits play an important role. One of the earliest semiconductor devices was born, and its application is also very extensive. The colorful patterns in the Pattern braided sleeve are mostly formed in the knitting process; Some weaving techniques (woven mesh pipes) form patterns themselves. The common weaving techniques of Special material braided sleeve include weaving, wrapping, nail string, knotting, etc. Technique Data-Sheet Material: nylon, polyester, polypropylene, high-strength nylon yarn, nylon yarn and other cotton fibers. Color: Black,White,Grey,Yellow and other colors…


Self winding network management automobile line pipe
PET self winding harness protective sleeve
PET wear-resistant self winding wire sleeve
Flexible braided sheathed metal shielding network pipe
Customized heat collection woven sleeve
About silicon glass fiber tube
Customized heat shrinkable tube
Nomex wear-resistant braided sleeve
Stainless steel wire and cable protection tube
Stainless steel braided sleeve
Tinned copper data cable braided network management
Patterned cotton woven mesh pipe

Shenzhen Huiyunhai Tech.Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Hui yunhai Technology Co., Ltd. is an enterprise with independent design, R & D and lar…

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