Health Monitor (Health Care Monitor) is based on the principle of pulse pressure method, and based on the established theory, the model is divided into compartments, and a series of calculation formulas are deduced by linear correlation algorithm. After these formulas are corrected by nonlinear compensation and clinical experience parameters, a set of reflecting cardiac function, vascular condition, blood state and microcirculation function can be obtained. The main function: 1. It can quantitatively detect more than 30 important parameters such as human heart function, blood vessel elasticity, blood viscosity, microcirculation, etc., and display the actual measured value and normal value range of each parameter, and give out a prompt for exceeding the standard. 2. Real-time display of pulse waveform, accurate observation of premature heart beat, arrhythmia and other phenomena. Give timely prompts to patients who may suffer from diseases such as hyperlipidemi…


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