Telecom T Series Lead Acid Battery (2V300Ah)
2V 300Ah is designed for long life with all cells and lightweight, and it is equipped with lead-calcium-tin alloy. It has many features like high corrosion resistance and long life, which makes the battery life over 15 years at 25℃ ambient annual average temperarure.
1. Increased capacity: low-resistance convergence
structure. Reducing the internal resistance of the battery, improving
the utilization of active materials, enhancing the energy-concentration
characteristics of the battery, and greatly increasing the capacity of
the battery.
2. High-current electrical performance enhancement: the
use of new conductive materials, enhancing the conductivity, charge and
discharge, to have better capacity, high power consumption, outstanding
battery power
3. Extremely durable within a great range lifetime
growth: highly conductive, highly corrosion resistant rar…