Our company's business scope includesCorn Noodles、Buckwheat Noodles、Yanji Buckwheat Cold Noodles、Wheat Noodles、. Welcome to inquire by phone! Introduction to Yanji Buckwheat Cold Noodles     Yanji buckwheat cold noodles, originating from traditional cuisine in the Yanbian region of Northeast China, have won the love of many diners for their unique taste and rich nutritional value. This cold noodle is not only a delicacy to enjoy, but also carries the enthusiasm and wisdom of the people of Northeast China.     We carefully select high-quality buckwheat flour and mix it with local pure mountain spring water, making the taste of cold noodles significantly different from traditional cold noodles. Buckwheat flour makes cold noodles more chewy, while mountain spring water gives cold noodles a unique sweet taste.     In terms of production technology, we use traditional manual drawing methods to ensure that each noodle is evenl…


Pure buckwheat low-fat and sugar controlled noodles
Select pure buckwheat nutrition fortified noodles
Optimization of Pure Buckwheat Flavor
Select pure buckwheat deep mountain selected noodles
Select pure buckwheat health noodles
Yanbian Special Yanji Buckwheat Cold Noodle
Pure Flavor Banquet Selection Wide Noodles
Enjoy Pure Corn Wide Noodle King
Chunyue Optimal Wide Face Selection
Optimal selection of pure corn wide noodles
Preferred corn health noodles
Preferred corn low sugar noodles


Yanbian Alali Food Co., Ltd. was founded in 1985, established in 2004 as a limited company, and was…

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